Civil law

A civil lawyer will help resolve the most complex property disputes. Civil law is considered the largest branch of jurisprudence that regulates property and non-property personal relations, including the protection of business reputation, as well as the dignity and honor of a citizen. Civil rights affairs are handled by a civil lawyer. The legal services of a civil lawyer include a whole range of services provided to clients. A civil lawyer draws up claims and complaints, statements and statements of claim, labor and civil law contracts. Civil lawyers are engaged in pre-trial and judicial settlement of disputes between conflicting parties, represent the interests of principals in state institutions and other organizations. The legal services of a civil lawyer include:

Pre-trial preparation (preliminary consultations, examination of documents, familiarization with civil case materials, legal assessment of judicial prospects);
Representation of interests of the plaintiff, defendant, third parties in the courts of all instances (first, cassation, supervisory);
Participation at the stage of enforcement proceedings (implementation of court decisions);
Settlement of tax disputes;
Drawing up any statement, appeal or cassation appeal, petition and other legal documents.

Labor disputes:

  • Восстановление на работе;
  • Признание незаконным увольнения;
  • Признание незаконным приказа о наложении дисциплинарного взыскания;
  • Взыскание задолженности по заработной плате;
  • Изменение даты и формулировки причины увольнения;
  • Признание незаконным перевода на другую работу;
  • Возмещение работником вреда, причинного организации;
  • Взыскание денежной компенсации морального вреда.

Family Disputes:

  • Divorce in court (divorce proceedings);
  • Recognition of marriage invalid;
  • Invalidation of a marriage contract;
  • Division of property of spouses (preparation of an agreement on the division of jointly acquired property);
  • Disputes related to raising a child (child’s place of residence, deprivation of parental rights, etc.);
  • Cases of collecting child support for minor children;
  • Cases of collecting child support from able-bodied adult children for disabled parents;
  • Adoption;
    Other legal services in the field of family relations.

Inherited Disputes:

  • Консультирование по вопросам составления завещания и открытия наследства;
  • Установление различных фактов, имеющих юридическое значение;
  • Восстановление родственных отношений;
  • Установление факта владения и пользования имуществом;
  • Установление факта принятия наследства и места открытия наследства;
  • Дела о праве на наследство и о разделе наследства;
  • Обжалование отказа нотариуса в выдаче свидетельства о праве на наследство;
  • Заявление о продлении срока принятия наследства;
  • Восстановление пропущенного срока принятия наследства.

Housing Disputes:

  • Disputes about the resettlement (eviction) in the premises;
  • Disputes on the recognition of contracts of sale, gift, exchange of premises are invalid;
  • Disputes arising from the transfer of ownership of residential premises by inheritance;
  • Disputes about the division of the living quarters;
  • Disputes on the use of premises.

Land Disputes:

  • Determination (establishment) of the procedure for using the land plot;
  • Cases on disputes in the privatization of land;
    Cases of inheritance of land;
  • Cases of disputes between spouses on the right to a privatized land plot;
  • Cases on the division of land.